Information For all our boarding clients
Before your pet(s) arrive:
Please ensure that all pets have been checked for fleas and have been given appropriate flea and worming treatment prior to arrival. Pets found to have fleas or worms on arrival will be treated accordingly and a charge will be added to the invoice.
Please provide proof of vaccination in accordance with our vaccine policy
If your pet(s) require medication, please make sure it is supplied with enough to last for the entire duration of their stay. Please make sure medication is clearly labeled with the name, type and dosage and any instructions of how and when it is to be given.
Please ensure you have read and agree to our Terms and Conditions and Booking policy found here
Do you need to bring anything?
We supply all beds and bedding for your pet(s) and therefore prefer not to have any items from home. We provide plenty of enrichment and toys for your pet(s) to make use of during their stay so please keep their own toys at home. This prevents dogs being possessive over the toys.
We will feed your pet in the same routine as you do at home. Simply let us know, when and how often you feed. We stock an extensive range of food included in your pets’s stay.
You must provide you pet’s food if we don't stock it, particularly if they have allergies or their food is veterinary prescribed. Please see our ‘menus’ here: CATS / DOGS
We will often use treats when interacting with your pets, if they have allergies or intolerances to certain foods, please be sure to advise us when making your booking.
All dogs are brushed out, bathed and blow dried prior to going home and is included as part of their stay. Cats will be brushed on a regular basis, particularly if they are long haired.
We have a range of different shampoo and conditioners to suit your dog’s skin and coat type. If your dog has particularly sensitive skin, please advise us so that we can make note of what to use.
If you require additional grooming services, Candice @ Diva Dogs is sometimes available to come in but will need to be pre booked
We also recommend Linda and Michelle at Petique Grooming Parlour in East Victoria Park for regular Grooming of your pet. Contact them on 08 9361 8042.
Courier Service
We can offer a door to door collection and delivery service for your pets. This can be done at times suitable for you (excluding Saturday afternoons, Sundays and Public holidays).
An additional fee is charged for this service. Please speak to Ellice via email or telephone to discuss further if this is a service you may require.